Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Day Two Photos


Michelle Heuer said...

Wow the temple is so beautiful!!

Tami said...

Spectacular. The temple looks majestic, doesn't it?! That pure blue sky, the pure green grass and the pure white temple... fantastic. Loved the flowers and the fresh fruit and vege stand. And who was that handsome young man standing by those trees? (Robin, you are cute, too! *wink*)

Tami said...

The night shot of the city is great photography. Night photos are tough to get just right. Good job, Mr. (or Mrs.?) Photog!!

JimO said...

Wow! I gotta start checking more often. I get lotsa pics AND glowworms AND kiwis AND a temple!

I'm glad the pics are enlargeable. I thought at first the hay bales up on the hill were strangely-shaped sheep.